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August Kann - I think the next album will be a little less melancholic and sad, cause I've written a lot of happy and brighter songs as well Aanbevolen

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August Kann - I think the next album will be a little less melancholic and sad, cause I've written a lot of happy and brighter songs as well

August Kann is een Noorse singer-songwriter. Met ‘How Did All These People Get Into My Room’ stelde hij vorig jaar zijn debuut album voor. Begeleid door gitaar, piano, percussie en viool hoor je 9 poppy klinkende folksongs die je nog het best kunt omschrijven als 'comfortable easy-listening', met muzikale referenties naar o.a. Paul Simon, Nick Drake, Leonard Cohen, Bon Iver, Jack Johnson en Thomas Dybdahl.
Wij namen dit album ' How to get all these people into my room' onder de loep. De volledige recensie kunt u hier nog eens nalezen. http://www.musiczine.net/nl/cd-reviews/item/76775-how-did-all-these-people-get-into-my-room.html  
Hoog tijd om de man ook eens enkele vragen te stellen over deze schijf, zijn inspiratiebronnen, het verleden en de toekomst.

I have written a review about your record 'How did all these people get into my room' . I really liked your review of the album. I especially liked how you compared my music to get "...carried over that pink cloud". Nice!
Where does that title come from? does it have a certain meaning?

I just really like the sound of that sentence/question. I actually stole it from Frank Sinatra. On one of his live shows, he walks out on the stage after a long introduction from the conferencier, and the audience go crazy and gives him a great applause. He enters the stage as if the stage is his living room, and looks at the audience and say: "How did all these people get into my room". In my song I give the question a whole meaning, though.
The title is therefore not really a reference to the number of people who work on the album
I haven't thought of that reference, haha, but it is a lot of musicians playing on this album! When I released my first single I actually had a release concert in my living room. So at one point there was a lot of musicians in my room. But I know how they got into my room.

I read in many descriptions about your music "comfortable easy-listening", with musical references to Paul Simon, Nick Drake, Leonard Cohen, Bon Iver, Jack Johnson and Thomas Dybdahl. Do you agree and tell us why
I have taken a lot of inspiration from the legends of Simon, Drake, and Cohen, their music and their lyrics! I'm glad people think it's comfortable and easy-listening. I don't have a good answer why it is. But when I write songs i just try to tell a story as simple as possible.
I especially liked the fact that the music caused a kind of peace to come over me. I also wrote sparkle in simplicity. What is your opinion about that?
I'm glad to hear that you felt that way when listening to my music! I would also describe the music as simple. Both the music, singing and lyrics!

I like to compare you to an artist like Paul Simon, an artist who has had to grow with me, I admit, but once you puncture the bubble you hear a singer-songwriter piercing your heart with his music. I also notice the latter in you
Paul Simon has pierced my heart as well!

What were the general reactions to the record anyway?
It was good! I have gotten a lot of good reviews, both here in Norway, but also a lot of reviews in Netherlands and Belgium. I'm glad someone noticed my record outside Norway as well. Two of the songs was listed on "New music friday" on Spotify. And the album became "album of the week" on NPS Music

Can I describe you as a kind of Norwegian troubadour? Or is that far-fetched?
"Troubadour" sounds a bit middle age, haha. But I guess you can!

Speaking of Norway, raw black metal and so on usually come over there. The contrast with your gentle music is great, or are there any artists in your style that we miss here? Give some restful tips about Norwegian artists that we should check out
There is a lot of good artists from Norway. You should check Konradsen, Emilie Nicolas, Thomas Dybdahl, and Fieh, among many others!

Let's talk about the future. What are the plans for the new year?
I'm gonna play a lot of concerts and festival, both in and outside Norway. I will try to book a tour in Netherlands and Belgium as well. I've also written music for a new album, so I will record my second album in 2020. I think the next album will be a little less melancholic and sad, cause I've written a lot of happy and brighter songs as well. Not the whole album though. I still write melancholic as well

In addition to your solo career, you are also part of a few bands. Are those plans with the bands in the fridge for now? Or can we expect something new from there?
I'm still working on my other projects as well, although this (August Kann) is the main project. I have one band called "Kløversvingen", which is also a folk-pop band, but with norwegian lyrics. We're gonna release our debut EP in 2020.

Something that I ask every artist. What is your opinion about Spotify? and other streaming sites
I haven't thought too much about whether I like Spotify or not. There are some good things and some bad things with it. The good thing is the availability: you can listen to whatever you like whenever and wherever you like. I have some fans in Brazil and Malaysia because of Spotify! The bad thing is that it is hard to earn money from it.

My last question. Is there something like a 'end goal'. Where do you see yourself in let's say 10 years?
I don't think there is. I think my everlasting goal is to develop and make new music. In 10 years I hope I'm still making music, and still having fun with it.

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