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V2 records news – Kids with buns + Franz Ferdinand live concert for ‘de warmste week’

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V2 records news – Kids with buns + Franz Ferdinand live concert for ‘de warmste week’
Live Concert for "De Warmste Week

We are happy to announce that on Saturday 21 December both Kids With Buns (V2 Records) and Franz Ferdinand (Domino Records) will be playing a live concert in context of VRT's 'De Warmste Week'. 'De Warmste Week' is the solidarity campaign of VRT, organized annually in the week before Christmas, from December 18 to 24. This year  the central theme is: "Together, burning bright against loneliness."  All concerts are free, Saturday line-up below:

About Franz Ferdinand
Franz Ferdinand will be releasing their new album "The Human Fear" on January 10, 2025 via Domino Records. Franz Ferdinand signed to Domino in May 2003 and released their first single, "Darts Of Pleasure" shortly after. Second single, "Take Me Out" exploded onto the international stage, putting the band firmly on the global map and was a precursor to their eponymous debut album which went on to sell over 5 million copies worldwide. "The Human Fear" will be Franz Ferdinand's 11th studio album. On the First of March they will be playing a concert in de Roma in Antwerp.
Franz Ferdinand - Night Or Day (Official Video)
Franz Ferdinand - Audacious (Official Video)

About Kids With Buns
It's been five years since Marie Van Uytvanck and Amber Piddington first shared a stage together during the 2019 Sound Track preliminaries. What initially had been intended as a temporary solution  (Marie's guitarist had called in sick) worked out so well that the two of them decided to form the band Kids With Buns, after the Gorillaz song 'Kids with Guns'. The music they made together - wistful bedroom pop songs about matters of the heart - caught on. First singles "1712" and "Bad Grades" quickly gained traction, in January 2021 they won Studio Brussel's talent competition De Nieuwe Lichting. In the meantime they released their debut album "Out of Place" and did an excessive tour, both domestic and international. The show in Bruges will be one of the final concerts of their tour.

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  • Datum: 2024-12-02
  • Beoordeling: 1
Gelezen: 88 keer